Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Winter Walk at the Beach

I wasn't going to do the homework assignment for this week's Make Films class. Slo-mo, that wasn't my shooting style, and I saw no need for it. Part of this attitude was influenced by the fact that it is winter and so far I have only been shooting inside. There is nothing I could do inside that would need slow motion. Also, Findley and I were working on our next film, and I wanted to put my available time into that.

Tuesday afternoon I watched the class videos, and Xanthe said something that changed my mind. She said, even if it isn't your style or you don't see a need for slo-mo, make the film, watch how things move, learn from it. Point taken. Still I had no idea what I was going to shoot. Then I watched her inspiration films, and had a thought. What if I took you all on a photo walk with me. I have shown you photographs for years of the state park near my house with the big red lighthouse, what if I actually took you on a filmed walk of it.

Thursday morning was clear and still, even if it was only 29 degrees. I loaded up my gear: two dslr cameras, a tripod, a poetry book, my iPhone mount that fits in the hot shoe of my dslr, and my phone. It was fairly early and cold, so there weren't many people around, but the glassy stillness of the water was perfect.

Let's go on a walk...

Xanthe was right. I did learn a lot from filming this. I thought a lot about movement, and found delightful surprises when I was editing it all together. Little nuances that I will bring into future films.

This entire film was shot on my new iPhone 8 Plus. I have been talking about upgrading for the last year. In the last couple of weeks I have been doing lots of research, mostly comparing which would be the best to use in film making. The decision was between the iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone X. Yes, there is a price difference between the two, but I also budget for a new phone every two years, and it has been three years since my last phone. What it ultimately came down to was how it felt in my hand, and the iPhone 8 Plus felt right.

Only three weeks into the Make Films class, and I already feel I have learned and grown so much.

End Notes

Glen and I have three days to go on our Whole 30 food cleanse. The first week seemed like an eternity, the last three weeks have passed in a blur. I would definitely do this again, it may become a January tradition. 

In researching slo-mo ideas on Pinterest, I came across this YouTube channel. It's all about photographing and filming on your mobile device. These guys are young, hip, and funny.

Have a great week!


Lynne said...

Happy you gave the Slo-mo a chance . . .
Amazing the things we can learn . . .
And you are a testimony . . .
I watched a couple of the You Tube videos . . .
And that too . . . amazing . . . lenses for an iPhone, news to me!

Eliza Waters said...

I thought this quite expressive - it tells a short story very creatively. Kudos for opening yourself up to the assignment!

Peggy said...

I absolutely loved your slo mo video. It was well done and told the story. There is something about seeing a video that captures the feeling much better than a photo. Bravo for trying something new.

Unknown said...

So, so glad you took this challenge on! What makes this great is that it incorporates your signature style. Well done!

Carol said...

Great job on your class assignment. Plus, it was nice to see Big Red again.

Cathy H. said...

Slo-mo may not be something you're really interested in, but you aced this video! So creative! Thank you for taking me with you!

cheryl Crotty said...

Great job Sarah. It's nice and crisp just like the air must have felt. I love how you worked both the camera and the phone...I've heard good and bad about the 8plus...but seems like you like it. I'm ready for an upgrade also but I hardly ever use my photo for shooting, except when I'm out on a walk. Still it's nice to have a good one.
Lovely work...and glad your enjoying it.

Katie said...

what a beautiful and relaxing film, sarah! magnificent job.
I finally moved up to an iPhone 8+ mainly for my failing eyesight! ; )

Carola Bartz said...

I do enjoy your movies, Sarah. I like how you do assignments even though you first were convinced that you're skipping that one. I'm glad that you didn't. Beautiful idea to film your winter walk.

Nicki said...

Your movies have been very enjoyable - love the slow-mo myself. Nicely done.

stefani said...

I thought your movie was great. The music really added to it as well.

Aimz said...

I really enjoyed watching that, you live in a lovely place.

susan hemann said...

like your video, I have the new iphone8 plus, still trying to figure it out but I love the camera

Anonymous said...

Well done, Sarah. Is it wrong that what interested me the most was watching you walk in slow motion in your beautiful paisley rain boots?

Deanna said...

I've never done a video, but find them delightful. Especially liked your walk, your boots, and your turning pages. Nice!!

Sandra said...

Interesting to read about the course you are doing, Sarah! I enjoyed your slow movements video too! Nice boots!!

Unknown said...

This is a great video, Sarah.
I truly enjoyed seeing it.

Michelle B said...

Thank you for taking us on a walk in the park. I loved the film, the editing, the composition, all of it. Good to know you are almost through with your Whole 30 food cleanse, and that you would do it again. Healthy eating is something that always gets pushed to the back burner. Although I think I will be sticking with just eating more fruits and veggies this year instead of a cleanse. :)

Karen Lakis said...

It seems as though you have learned so much in such a short time - but then that may just be your talent! I love the slo-mo birds in the background, also.

Electric | Journal said...

I love your slow motion film, and the icebergs on the water, and the blue skies. Our winters are mostly grey and cloudy, so any sight of sunshine is a treat. Thanks for sharing your film making journey.