Sunday, June 4, 2017

Scene & Story - May 2017

You would never know that less than four years ago this man had never picked up a dSLR before. And the first time he did, it was to humor me, I had an extra camera (shocking I know!), and he probably was tired of trying to find benches to sit on at decaying insane asylums, and sitting in the car on country backroads while I shot old barns and abandoned farmhouses.

He has gotten quite good for someone who shoots on a very part-time basis, although after every outing he says, "I'm sure they all suck". We need to work on the confidence thing some more.

I love this man for being willing to join me in my hobby/passion and being willing to take a vacation to the east coast just so I can go to a photography conference. If he had his way, we would be going to Glacier National Park every year and climb mountains. I promise we will go again, but there is so much to see in this great big world, and I want to keep seeing it together and through our cameras.


Sandra said...

That's so lovely to have a partner to share your passion of photography with! I love the second shot of him photographing something up close on the wet rocks! Great point of view and interesting layered rocks in the foreground on the side of the steps.
I always enjoy scene and story on the first Sunday of every month! Such a lovely idea and so nice to join up with others here!

Jeanne said...

LOVELY tribute to your husband!! My husband is just the same, always supporting my passion. Aren't these men just amazing!! Happy June to you! Have been waiting for this meme all month, as it really means something to me!

Anonymous said...

You're so blessed to be able to share your photographic passion with him. I always feel like I'm being something of a nuisance to whomever I'm with when I want to stop for photos. As for his confidence, I'm sure that will grow. I have really liked the photos of his that I've seen in the past. He has a good eye. I love your photos of him taking photos!

Unknown said...

How awesome us this. To keep growing & exploring & doing new things together can make for a string marriage.

Lynne said...

Unity, Union, Unified . . .
And here it is through a camera . . .
Once yours, now his . . .
Us Moments . . .
I like . . .

Carola Bartz said...

It is lovely to share a hobby and passion - how sweet of him to having picked up photography as well. He must be a wonderful man to be so patient and with what he does supporting you and what you love. I love it that you do this together.

Karen Lakis said...

Glen is definitely a good sport and I'm guessing his photos are much better than he thinks! Thank you for hosting!

Glen Huizenga said...

Thanks for making me look better than I do live and in person - lol. I love you!

Cathy H. said...

You are very fortunate to have Glen who not only takes you to photography conferences, but shares a love of photography. Jerry, well he'll take me places, but he honestly doesn't understand why I photograph what I do! It's a mystery to him.

Ida said...

It's wonderful that he now enjoys taking photographs. I can get my hubby to look at my photos but he's not into taking them although he will call me up if he spots something he things I would want to take a picture of.

Aimz said...

Isn't it funny once someone picks up a camera it's almost like a bug, you just want to do more.

Jill said...

The photos from Glacier National Park would be fabulous!

Nicki said...

Over the years my husband has been very supportive of my photography passion - even to go so far as to suggest photo shots ("this would be a good photo"). I have offered several times to arm him with a camera but he always declines - but I think he would have a good time.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post, Sarah.
I have one of "those" also, and not a day goes by that I don't consider myself very, very fortunate for that.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Electric | Journal said...

Love your post, Sarah... your experience with finding your way, trying something new, the challenge of keeping focus... all something I've shared the past couple of years. Let me know if you head again to Glacier; it's pretty close to my neck of the woods... maybe we could meet up!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny once someone picks up a camera it's almost like a bug, you just want to do more.

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